I missed the 10, but got the 8....today.
Dan called, Klaus called, Al waved, it all seemed like a very lively Sunday morning....after everyone had such a great session yesterday while I was at the USC football game. I'm really glad everyone had a great time.

Klaus came by at about 11:30 and the wind started coming up. Ruth grabbed our ladder and plucked a few buckets of pineapple guavas. I can't wait to taste her new jelly.

On my way to meeting up with Klaus I noticed there were no cars on Ocean Blvd. The marathon cleared the street. It was like a ghost town.

Klaus was first on the beach. The time was 1 P.M.

By 1:20 he was the first on the water. He said he was second yesterday and wanted to be the wind dummy today. I stopped pumping my 12 and started rigging my 16. There wasn't that much wind.

Klaus was having a ball because he had 15 hours of sleep last night. Yesterday he kited for over 4 hours, but today he was a little sore.

We timed the wind just about perfect. It was time to go on adventure

At about 2 o'clock Al Navas, Klaus and I headed out towards the oil platform. When we got there I tried whistling to get their attention. I decided to head to Seal Beach. Klaus and Al decided to head back towards Chaffee Island.

Seal was fantastic. The water was flat, warm and there weren't that many kiters. I was also able to pull off some pretty good jumps. After a while I decided to head home because I didn't want to get trapped there.

It took quite a few tacks but I finally made it past the marina entrance. This map is not very accurate because the jetty's are pretty far out. And today there was a lot of safety activity; Coast Guard helicopters, a Long Beach Police boat and the regular Lifeguard patrol boats. I felt very safe.

Once back I noticed that Dan and Jason had joined the group.

And Dan immediately started pulling off some big jumps.

The wind dropped off a little so Al and Naji checked out the beach activity.

There were a lot of kiters taking advantage of the wind today.

During the lull I grabbed a group shot. L-r; Naji, Al, me, Jason, Dan and Klaus. Check out the full wet suits. Dan was the only one in a shorty. It's starting to get a little bit colder.

Dan was going out as Jason was coming in. They had a ball yesterday and today was OK too.

This was the time Klaus grabbed my camera and took a bunch of shots. Thank you Klaus for taking pictures because usually the cameraman doesn't get any ink.

Or a jump shot....

...or two. Thanks Klaus.

And catching me, my son Dan (riding the grey Best) and my nephew Jason (in the blue Best) all in one shot.....WOW.

Then he caught this passing hand slap....cool.

Then I tried a hand slap with Jason....we didn't make it. I zigged and he zagged. OOPS.

Dan grabbed the board as we hit the beach.

Hey John....I think I have a problem. Do you think my 16 can be saved????????

The day is over...time to get home.

Everyone had a great time today. OK, so my kite has a little tear. No one was hurt and we're still a great kite team....you too Klaus, and all the guys that are part of the "Trash Can Gang." Thanks again Klaus for all the shots today.
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