Saturday and Sunday. Football and a big skunk.
It's Saturday and it's the start of football season here at home at USC.

Ruth packed up two coolers full of food. She had cooked two chickens, made two dozen deviled eggs and a batch of cole slaw. Dan brought the beer and he drove to the game.

This was our first "Tail-gate" party. Here we unload all the stuff for the picnic in the park along with about 2000 other USC fans.

Dan's friend Kristen's father, Skip, helped Ruth set up the lunch table.

We are just about to put on the feed bag. L-R, Ruth, Dan, Kristen and Skip.

Dan's friend Steve (far right) dropped by to say "Hello."

Let the games begin. As many of you know USC lost two weeks ago but today was going to be different. Today they were playing to the home crowd.

At half time USC Olympians lined up for a big round of applause.

There was a little rain scare but Ruth brought all the right gear for it.

The final score was USC 44 and Oregon 10. When we got home we watched the game again because we had taped it.

On Sunday Dan came over with his new air compressor..unfortunately it didn't work as well as he had hoped.

A lot of us pumped up but the wind did not cooperate.

Jason and his friend Adrian played domino's to pass the time while we waited for the wind.

Luca came down to hang while we preyed for wind.

It didn't happen.

So we all walked back to the house and continued hanging out. Rijk joined us (he's on the far right) and so did Bruce (in the white shirt next to him). We may not have had wind, but we had a great weekend.
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