Sunset, the best since Ohau
It's Friday and everyone wants to get some kiting in since the summer is coming to a close.

Klaus had kited Sunset yesterday while I was in Hollywood, so since I missed it I wanted some of the wind that he got.
Ruth had taken the Honda to Santa Monica for some appointments so I packed her Corvette with a surfboard, a twin tip, kite, pump bar and beer. I was very fortunate that the rip I put in my 12 in Oahu was not too bad. John Fitzgerald was able to repair it very quickly and dropped it off today on his way to Seal. Thanks John.

I called Klaus and Dan and mentioned that the wind was coming up and it might be a repeat of yesterday. Everyone was in for going to Surfside. I got there first, then Klaus, and then Dan and Kristen. She was our designated photographer today.

As Dan walked up the beach you can see that the surf was pretty calm today. Klaus mentioned that it was bigger yesterday. It was about this time that Mitch, the lifeguard at the Claremont ramp in Belmont, had finished his session and was off to his job in Costa Mesa.

Timing is everything in the surf. It's not too unheard of to be hit by a wave while you are launching and get knocked on your ass. So taking a minute to size up the surf is time well spent.

Here Dan, on the left, and I were going port and easily getting up-wind. Today there were about 4 kiters up by the jetty at Surfside. Down at Sunset there looked to be about 10 or so kiters out. We ran into Sonny, an old salt like me who owns a house on the beach and he said next monday winter rules kick in.

Here Klaus and I were headed out to the open ocean. We saw two dolphins sharing our water.

That was about the time he pushed the elevator button. He usually get some pretty good air like this, then he hits the water like a big belly flop. Not to worry, he usually survives the crash.

For some strange reason Klaus dropped his kite and we came to his rescue. In that area of houses at Surfside there is no one there to assist you unless you are lucky enough to see the lifeguard. That's why going with a buddy is such a good idea.

Dan was getting some really good jumps going port. Now he's working on his starboard jumps. Today he boosted pretty good but sometimes the camera doesn't catch it. Oh well next time.

The three of us got some pretty good passing hand slaps. Sometimes they hurt too. It's hard to tell who's in this shot, but I think Klaus is on the left and me on the right.

Thanks Kirstin for grabbing this shot. I like the spray. It's pretty hard to tell but I got my hair cut today. It was getting shaggy.

The three amigos had a pretty good time today. We got in about 2 hours all toll, but there could have been a little more wind to really make us happy.

At the end of the day it was getting pretty chilly. I think the fog was starting to roll in and that might have killed the wind. So we wrapped up our stuff and walked over to Taco Surf. Now that hit the spot. A couple of pitchers of beer, a little food and a two man band that was pretty darn good. They played a lot of current rock selections. I even picked up some food for Ruth, who was swimming laps at the Bay Shore swim area. Looking great Ruth. Keep it up.
See you on the beach if it blows tomorrow....Jim
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