Eight days and no letting up
Since Dan and I got skunked last Sunday in Minneapolis we have had a phenomenal eight days of kiting here in California. Because of the hours of being on the water I have seen a huge improvement in Dan's kiting. I on the other hand I have moved sideways, much like my jumping.
Here's the breakdown: 1) Mon. 8/4 kited at Belmont. Upon returning it was OK. Mostly down-winders. Matt did great on his surfboard. 2) Tue. 8/5 kited at Cabrillo. Dan, Matt and I had some real challenges at Cabrillo, but we had a great time. Don't think we are going back. 3) Wed. 8/6 kited at Belmont. I think Matt and I wanted something really "SAFE" after Cabrillo. We got it and it was fun. 4) Thurs. 8/7 we kited at Sunset. A group of us wanted to kite in the surf. Lot's of fun except that I blew out the LE bladder of my Rhino 16. 5) Fri. 8/8 we are back at Belmont licking our wounds. 6) Sat. 8/9 kited to Huntington. Klaus, Juliano, Matt, Mark and I pushed the envelope a little, but it was lots of fun. 7) Sun. 8/9. Back at Belmont. Love being back with our friends and relaxing. It was good kiting, good beer and a great time. 8) Mon. 8/4 kited at Belmont again. Not to many kiters because the wind came up a little late, but that was just fine.

The day started out late because I finished the blog about Sunday at blah, blah o'clock. If I put it in print then Ruth will know I'm not getting my eight hours of beauty sleep. Then in the morning I had to finish the blog about Jason's and Liz's wedding. I have been putting it off for a week. I was starting to forget things. Hmmmm what happened, who was there, what did we do????
I finished it at about 1 and then had some lunch. Dan called at about 2 to find out what was going on with the wind. I said, "It looks like it's blowing 10 mph so take your time." He got here at about 3. Unfortunately he had some work to do before he could go out so I started working on Bobby's surfboard. It looked like he smashed something on the two bottom edges. Like a car door or hammer or something.

While Dan was working on his report I walked down to check out the beach. It was 3:30 and not much was blowing.

When he finished his project and I put away Bobby's repair job we headed for the beach. It was now about 5 o'clock and the wind looked promising.

Right next to us Bongo was having a lesson. I think we were distracted a little.

Let me see, I can't remember if I was distracted a little or a lot. All I know Dan wanted to take up teaching at this point.

Dan did not waist anytime, he got right to his job, working those abs, gluts and shoulders. It's called the complete kiteboard workout. We will be developing the DVD very soon to augment my Social Security.

Bongo's student on the left was fantastic. On his first day he was able to get out on his directional board. Now being truthful he was flying over the water, but he was standing up-right for at least a few seconds. Remember this was his first day. Go Bongo.

There were a couple of strange thing that happened today. The first was two kiters twisting their kites together. I think someone was jumping up-wind of another kiter and drifted into the other one. The other strange thing was watching this boat that brought in a kite boarder. Over head he was flying his kite. Actually at one point I thought he was pulling the boat.

It may be tough to see since it was getting late but this kiter possibly came up from Seal Beach with an escort boat. The wind died and the kiter was pulling the boat back to Seal. Unfortunately the kite went into the water and they had to roll it up. But I'm sure it was a great plan on paper.

I love the end of the day. It is so beautiful. Sure there's this country and that place, but this is right here in our own yard, not someone else's. Naturally I wasn't moving fast enough for Dan, but fortunately for me he came over and cooked me dinner. Man I am so lucky.
I also called Ruth tonight and mentioned we were thinking about going to Lake Isabella. She gave me the green light as long as I kept Dan alert and awake. I said, "That is my new job." Then she said, "No beer." I said, "No problem." I love that woman.
This looks like so much fun! Last time we were out sailing we saw a ton of kites just off shore, amazing to see them all out at once!
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