Jason and Liz's Wedding, Aug. 2, 2008
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
It's the old wake up at 4 a.m. for an 8 :15 departure. Boy isn't that fun.

I don't care how many times I fly I'm still in aw of the fact you are flying at 40,000 feet in the jet stream.

Here we are the land of 10,000 lakes, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The first order of business is to head for Liz's parents lake house. This is the front, wait until you see the backyard.

The purpose was to meet and mingle. I say let's go wakeboarding.

My nephew Spencer was the first on the water. God are kids coordinated.

Next up was Brennon. He's my nieces son, so does that make him my nephew once removed?

This was my first time wake boarding, can you tell?? I look a little tentative, don't you think?

Here's a shot of the house from the boat.

Ruth has been swimming the back bay here in Belmont. I think she liked the warm fresh water.

Three more days and life is going to change. Enjoy it while you can.

What's a wedding pool party without games?

And plenty of toasts?????

We ate and drank Liz's parents out of house and home, I think it's time to go. "Wait a minute honey, I have at least one sunset shot."

The next day Wendy, Spencer, Ruth and I hit Mall of America.

This place is so big that it has an indoor amusement park. I guess they have to since the have brutal winters here.

Back at the hotel the couple was enjoying their "Last Night" being single.

The setting for the wedding was where else, next to a lake. How did they pick this one from the other 9,999?

This is Jason's family....from California.

This is her family, from Minneapolis, wow there are a lot of them. I wonder if that's why she lives in Los Angeles?

I think the Long Beach contingency looks a little stiff don't you? You do have to realize it was very hot and humid there, and the guys had to wear suits.

It's official they are Mr. and Mrs. Jason Darlington. OK, let's eat.

First things first, let's cut the cake...then eat.

Eat, drink and be merry. This is the merry part.

Our last day was Sunday. We had two choices, go to an art fair or go kite boarding. Here we are following the locals to their "Spot."

We heard the proverbial, "You should have been here yesterday, it was great."

Spell it anyway you want it still smells like SKUNK.

Dan dropped me off at the airport and I had lunch with Ruth. She went on to Cleveland Ohio and I returned to Long Beach. Fortunately we have had some pretty good days since returning.
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