Tuesday, I missed it. Wednsday, it was OK. Thursday......A BIG SKUNK!!!!!
On Tuesday I was working in Hollywood. I tried to leave early that morning so I could get back to Belmont early, but that didn't work out. Below is the wind report for Tuesday.

I called Ruth when I left Hollywood, but there was not much wind at the time. My son Dan had just arrived and he was heading to the beach. By the time I got there, which was at 5:15, everyone was walking back. I had missed it, but not that much. I think Dan said most of them kited for about an hour, some more. So I didn't feel that bad.
On Wednesday it looked promising. The wind prediction was pretty good.

By the time we got down to the beach the wind was pretty "dead."

Omar, Klaus, Luca and I waited. Hoping the wind was going to come up.

It was pretty boring so Klaus wanted to show Luca the art of self launching. I should take notes.

Dan thought there was enough and wanted to give it a try. For the rest of us there wasn't enough wind.

Luca, Ruth and I gave Dan some company on his long walk back. His kite went in the water and couldn't relaunch it. So we gave him some moral support.

At one point Omar was able to get out on his surf board. Peter, a guy from San Diego, was on a board too. I borrowed Omar's "Big Door" and was able to get out too.

Klaus grabbed my camera and took a few shots of the cameraman. Thanks Klaus!!

At one point Omar was able to get out on his surf board. Peter, a guy from San Diego, was on a board too. I borrowed Omar's "Big Door" and was able to get out too.

Klaus grabbed my camera and took a few shots of the cameraman. Thanks Klaus!!

Luca and Ruth had a good old time hanging out....until it got a little cold.

At some point I felt the wind come up a little so I came in and grabbed Klaus's North board. I don't think I used any of my own gear that day.

At some point I felt the wind come up a little so I came in and grabbed Klaus's North board. I don't think I used any of my own gear that day.

Klaus yelled, "Jump, jump" from the shore so he could take a shot. Naturally I could only pull off a few feet. "What do you think I am a trained monkey? I can never do anything on command."

As the wind was starting to die Klaus captured the last ride.

The news said something about a weather front moving in. Maybe there's going to be great wind tomorrow....one could only hope.
It's Thursday afternoon. Today was going to be Klaus's last shot at getting any kiting in because he had to fly to Utah tomorrow morning at 5 A.M. Do you think Mother Nature came through?

As the wind was starting to die Klaus captured the last ride.

The news said something about a weather front moving in. Maybe there's going to be great wind tomorrow....one could only hope.
It's Thursday afternoon. Today was going to be Klaus's last shot at getting any kiting in because he had to fly to Utah tomorrow morning at 5 A.M. Do you think Mother Nature came through?

John and Kyle were the only ones that were having any fun. All you need is a three or four meter foil kite, a skateboard and a little SKILL.

Klaus and I waited until the bitter end....NOTHING. Getting skunked is never any fun especially when you really want it. Klaus will be back next week and I think I'm going to go with Dan to Lake Isabella tomorrow. I have to get my wind fix.
In case you are interested I was interviewed for an article in the Long Beach Beachcomber newspaper. You can read the article by Bryon Richards by going to, http://www.longbeachcomber.com/story.aspx?artID=1041. You have to forgive Bryon because at some point his computer started calling me "Carbide." Oh well that's the price of fame.
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