Two tens in a row, going for three???
It's Tuesday night and as I sit at the computer all I'm feeling is pain. We are talking back pain, throbbing leg muscles, as well as shoulders and arms. I have overdone it again. Naturally there are two logical reasons, first we have kited the last three days hard because you never know when the wind is going into a funk. The second is I was trying to keep up with two thirty year-olds and two forty year-olds, and I think I did a pretty good job.
The morning started off by calling Dan and Jason and alerting them to how fantastic Sunset Beach was on Monday. Both of them wanted to go. Then I called Klaus and he said he would meet us there after work. So everything was set.
Jason arrived first around 2 o'clock. We walked down to Belmont to check it out the conditions and the wind had dropped off, so we walked back to the house to ponder what to do. Then Dan arrived and we decided to load all of our stuff into his Avalanche and go. On the way to Sunset we dropped by Kitesufari to pick up a new harness for Dan.

I don't know if you have ever kited at Sunset/Surfside but you drive down P.C.H. and turn right at the wooden water tower. It may be 26th Street but I don't know that for sure.

The next thing you do is try to find a parking spot close to the entrance to Surfside. We lucked out, as you can see we are only three parking spots away. Hey, not fair Dan, you caught me by surprise, I didn't have a chance to suck it up. Getting older is not easy on your girlish figure.

We set up camp and started rigging. That was about the time that Klaus showed up. I think he said it was around 3:30. The four of us proceeded to do a starboard launch in the surf. Luckily today the surf was only 1 to 3 feet, so getting out was pretty easy. This was Jason's first time in the surf.

The easiest way we found to launch in surf is to body drag out beyond the break. This way the waves aren't hitting you when you try to launch.

The next thing we did was returned to the spot that Klaus, Bobby and I had kited at yesterday, "the jetty." As you can see it was was up-wind of our launch spot. Once there the four of us were like children. Just laughing and playing in the waves, and lots of passing hand slaps. Then to our surprise Joe Wilcox joined us. Then it became a lot more fun.
We spent the next three hours ridding up and down the surf line and doing all the tricks that we knew: ollie's, going toe side/port, jumping off the lip, riding the surf, going toe side/starboard, more jumping. Basically just having a ball. I also found it was fun watching other kiters, like Joe, who know some pretty neat tricks. There were some guys getting unbelievable air on surfboards.

At some point we came in for a breather and a cold one. OK guys, say "Cheese."

This is going to sound like an advertisement for south beaches, but I must say the water down there was really clean and blue

Sorry Dan. I was using Dan's camera and I didn't know it very well, so this shot is a little fuzzy. But no matter, even though the wind was dieing Dan pulled off a jump for me.

I got a shot of Joe but he was leaving. Bye Joe, see you on the water.

Hey Klaus, is that your new changing room?

I think you can see that we had a good time. Sorry you had to leave Joe.

Here was the wind graph for Sunset. You can see that the wind dropped off around 6:30.

At the end of the day all we could think about was more adventures like today. More to come.....
Yo Dan, sweet jump
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