We got the ninth day and a little surprise too
Tuesday started like most days at Belmont Shore. The wind came up around 2 o'clock and we hoped that it would stay blowing until 7. Little did we know we were in for a surprise.

The wind looked like your typical day at BS.

Arnaud was rigging his Bandit, Joe was heading for the water and Lance and I were not too far behind. And Bill was rigged also.

Bongo was out, and so were about twenty other guys.

Then we started seeing the lifeguard talking to everyone on the beach. He didn't have any information, all he knew was that the beach was closed.

So, very reluctantly, one by one the kiters came in.

Some even refused and had to be persuaded by the Lifeguard Rescue boat. Within a few minutes the beach was deserted.......where do we go? What do we do?

Let's head to Sunset. I took this picture of Surfside as I drove over the Naval Shipyard bridge.

The water looked fine here and no guards saying you couldn't go in.

I had called Klaus when I left Belmont to meet me at Sunset. He actually beat me there since I had to de-rig. As you can see there weren't many kiters out on Tuesday.

One thing that I have definitely noticed at Seal, Sunset, Huntington and Rat is that boards with straps (and without straps) are very popular. It's amazing the tricks and air they can get on these boards.

Going toe-side...no problem. While I was there I saw Brett Ellis riding strapless riding the waves for over 2 hours. I thought, "How does he do that. Jumping and cutting. I've got to try that."

Klaus was out on his Bandit and F-One board. He still has to fix the de-power line that broke.

It was a beautiful sunset at Sunset.

On Wednesday I drive to Hollywood for a spotting session. This is where you sit with the director and producer and go over what they want sound wise for their movie. When I arrived back in Belmont I saw the closure sign. Bummer. It seems like there was a sewage spill up-stream into the L.A. River. Naturally Long Beach is the down stream recipient of anything that is dumped.

Mitch reminded me of the Maytag repairman, he had nothing to do.

Every once in a while there would be someone on the beach that didn't see the sign so he would have to inform them. Any way you slice it, it was a lonely job yesterday.

Belmont is supposed to be closed today too. Klaus will ride his Harley instead.

Belmont Shore looked like an empty desert except for the two police on their four wheel vehicles and this one woman heading to the restroom.
I think on Thursday I'm going to head north. I plan on meeting up with Dan and kiting Rat Beach. I don't know if I'm going to use them but I plan on taking the surfboards. If it's flat enough I could probably get out. Cross your fingers.
Hi Jim! Sara turned me onto your blog. Awesome. I just got back from a wedding in Aruba, where there was some crazy kite surfing going on. One guy followed our sunset cruise and grab-and-goed drinks from the captain of the boat. Kite-surfing drunk is probably not the safest, but he still managed to execute a bunch of sick jumps.
Much love to you and Ruth,
Lexi (Keeler)
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