Monday, August 17, 2009

Selling kite gear and kiting yesterday

Saturday August 15, my first day on the water since the shingles. I got out on the water and did a down-winder to the last lifeguard tower. This was not intentional. Then the wind die and my kite fell out of the sky. So I swam in and a nice lady with a cat grabbed my kite in the surf line. But my board decided to wait and not come until the rocks. It was a long walk, but Rijk and Matt came and helped me. So I'm NOT going to count this outing as my first kite ride since my shingles. This was just a test to wash off my gear.

On Sunday, the next day, the wind was a little better and I was able to get out on my twin tip for a while and then switched to Matt's big directional board for quite a while. That's fun!!!

This may not be the most flattering shot of me walking up the beach. Bonnie (Omar's girl friend) took the picture. Thanks Bonnie. I'll have to remember to not look so angry.

I had a ball going out on Polish Matt's big F-One 7 foot directional. Matt went out on it too and when we got back Peter Blawat (San Diego Peter) came over and gave us some pointers.

Here's Peter during the contest last week. Man he's got it down. He can make transitions in either direction and can he jump. That's what Matt and I are trying to get the turning down.

Now that I'm flying the F-One Bandit I've got to get rid of my two North Rhino kites to get a Kafka board. On the left is a 12 and the other is a 16. Both are in pretty good shape. There are two bars, a North and an Ozone. $800 for everything.

More pictures on Craigslist.

Now that I'm moving towards getting a directional I don't need the Litewave 169. This board is a great first board for someone over 200 pounds. It's a fantastic light wind board too. $150.

I also have a DaKine impact vest/harness and bar. It's X-L, for someone in the 220+ pound range. It can also fit over a wet suit. It's a little big on me now. $50.

You can get in touch with my at

Just a quick note, in addition to the pictures that were posted on my blog (bskitehaps) and on Dan Slaters ( there are also pictures of the event on Once on the site click on the "Gallery" button in the upper left, then 2009 kiteboarding, Belmont Shore, then 09-08-8......
There were about a dozen photographers there that day. I wonder if there are any other pictures available?????????


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