It was cold and a little windy on Sunday
Saturday March 28th was a fun day. But I heard that I missed a great blow on hoo. So on Sunday everyone that was there on Saturday hoped that it was going to blow again.

Dan took this shot of an auto carrier that has been parked very close to Chaffee Island. On Saturday Klaus and Dan kited by this huge beast. They said it was much taller than their kites. When you double click on the picture look how small the lifeguard patrol boat is.

Dan and Klaus were ready for anything. They both brought two kites. One big and one small.

Here Mike Noel, Klaus, Dan and I watch as a few kiters try to get their kites in the air.

It started getting cold so Klaus brought his kite around for a wind barrier. It worked too.

Klaus, Rijk, Mike and I were hoping that Dan was lighting a campfire. No he's just taking a picture.

Dan didn't want the day to be a total blowout so he made some line adjustments with Mike.

Bobby joined us just about the time we were giving up. OK, that's a wrap, as a couple of kiters tried to get out.

After Dan and I walked home and found that his lines needed an extension I rode back for a sunset shot. Ruth thought the suns glow was great with the palm trees in the frame.
This same weekend there was a kite demo at Pismo Beach.

Luca and Juliano, and a few other SoCal kiters drove up for the weekend. It looks like there were a lot of kites in the air. Luca said it was crazy. Maybe that's the reason there weren't very many kiters on Sunday?
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