I think the weather she is a changin'....FINALLY!!!
We've had way too much destruction the past few days with all the fires. It's time for a change.
Tonight logged on to see what Jackie Johnson was going to say about the weather. Check it out at http://weather.cbs2.com/US/CA/Los_Angeles.html.
This beach blog started a few days ago, on Friday evening of the 14th.

I decided to wash Ruth's Corvette and then the Honda. Afterwards I said to Ruth let's drive out on the Granada ramp and watch the sun set. So we did. Ruth took the shot. Thanks honey.

The smoke from the Santa Barbara (Montecito) fire had worked its way down the coast and it was an unusual sunset, don't you think?

On Saturday morning a second fire had erupted in Sylmar and then a third near Yorba Linda. Ruth was concerned because she has two friends that live very close to that area.

The smoke and clouds were very unusual over the ocean. But please note you can see Catalina Island. It was still pretty clear.

I think at this point the Yorba Linda smoke was blending in with the Sayre fire. They are two different colors of smoke.

The area was covered with smoke and ashes.

The sun, clouds and reflection made for an interesting picture. The two dogs belong to a neighbor. Their names are Louis and Senna. Ruth loves to give them treats when she walks by their house.

On Saturday you can see the smoke from the three fires had merged and there was very little visibility.

I don't know how but there was enough wind for a sail boat race. Which way did they go??

I decided to take Mac for a ride on my bike. She seems to like it.

When Mac and I got to the Claremont ramp there was someone actually trying to get a kite off the sand. NO WAY!!!!

This was the sunset on Saturday evening.

This morning I walked down to the beach to check out the weather and as you can see there was smoke as far as you could see.

I think this kiter was extremely optimistic that the wind was going to come up. Maybe tomorrow.

On the water was the party boat making its way down the bay. People just want to have fun, no matter what.

Mac came along for the ride today too. When the air clears up I'll take her up the bike path for a real ride.

I think I heard that today was a record high temperature, 93 degrees.

I'm absolutely certain that the blimp was carrying a camera person that was taking pictures of this sunset. I wonder if they want a picture of the blimp that was taking pictures???? Hmmm?

Here is a shot I downloaded from the LATimes. We got some of this smoke in Long Beach.

I found this drawing very interesting. It basically lays out how all that goes on at the fire scene.

This shot was taken from space. Obviously you can see how the smoke travels over the Pacific Ocean. Tomorrow it's supposed to blow on-shore. Maybe we'll be able to kite?
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