Raging winds on Sunday, over 30 mph
This morning Ruth woke up at 4 A.M. because of the noise the wind was making. She put away the patio umbrella so it wouldn't blow away. Then Dan called at around 10 and said it was blowing 30 at pier J. Time to kick into action and go kiting.

I took this shot on my way to the ramp. The sand was kicking up pretty good.

I think Bill was giving this wind some serious thought.

Todd measured the wind speed, as Bart and friend lean into the wind. Todd said that there were gusts over 30 mph.

Here Dan is going out on his 10. Earlier I went out on my 12 and de-powered it as much as I could. It taco'd once on me in the hour I was out. The leading edge wasn't pumped up enough.

This guy was really a skilled and daring kiter and he pulling off a major rescue. This Best kite got away from the kiter, the kiter grabbed the kite and brought it into shore. Someone else grabbed the kiter and his board and dragged them to shore. Everyone was safe.

The secret to getting out, one guy holding the kite and the other holding the kiter. This is how I got out too. Todd was holding me a Radek carried my board because it was hard walking.

There were a few kiters pulling off some sick jumps. This guy was flying a White Naish.

Another good jump.

The crowd goes crazy. Three judges give the jumps 10's, while Todd gives it a 5. Sean abstained from voting. Maybe it was when I said "Vote like on Dancing With The Stars." "Wwwaa What?"

About a split second Kyle and another kiter tangled their lines. He buddy, don't you remember the #1 R.O.W. rule, "The kiter on the starboard tack has the right of way."

Looking West you can see it's still blowing....and it blew all day.

I don't think Jason bothered to pump his 15, he just waited in line for Dan's 10. Which was the perfect size for today.

Then I went out on Dan's 10. Yeah, it blew all afternoon. The wind speed was around 25 mph and gusts over 30. The water was not too cold, but pretty choppy.

It didn't take much to wear us out. I think Al was done for the day.

So was Kyle, and I joined them.

Dan in the mean time was pulling off some real good port jumps. For some reason my camera started acting up. I think it was the sand in the lens trick.

Dan has been practicing his back rotations. He said on one try he did a double and it surprised him. Unfortunately he didn't land it.

Yep, Dan was getting some nice air time.

I went over and chatted with Danny and Radek. Danny said his 5.0 was too big and Radek didn't rig because his smallest sail was a 7.0. Way too big for today.

Last jump of the day.

Joe gives one thumb up as Bobby ponders his vote.

There were kites falling right and left. Here Dan and Todd get ready for a beach rescue. Earlier there was a kiter that was picked up by the Lifeguard boat. Al Navas had a waterproof cell phone that saved the day for that kiter.

The group huddled together on the beach. We all wanted to be at Bolsa Chica, keeping warm with a big bondfire and some hot cocoa.

Thanks Todd for taking this shot. Dan, Jason and I were wrapping it up for the day and heading home.

When we arrived at the house we noticed a very proud "ma ma" showing us her most recent planting.

She had transplanted the iris and replaced them with pansies, agapanthus, sweet alyssum and helichrysum. The front yard looks great!!!!

With the sun already setting, there were still some kiters that were getting in their last rides. I think Chad was still out too. I'll have to ask him the next time I see him.
Next stop on the ride of life, USC plays Stanford this Saturday.
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