Seal Beach, yesterday and today
I went to Seal Beach on Tuesday and Wednesday. I just had a hunch it might blow there.

On Tuesday I arrived at about 2:30. It was blowing about 12 to 14 mph. Good enough to go out.

There were 5 kiters that were rigged but there were only 3 that had kites or boards big enough.

Even though the water was pretty flat there were a number of surfers out today. I ran into Mitch's dad Brian Bradshaw. If you remember, Mitch was the lifeguard on the Claremont ramp in Belmont this summer. Brian said that he currently makes surfboards and will soon be making smaller boards for kiting too. I don't have a web site for Brian but if I get it I will publish it. What a small world.

My secret weapon was my Rhino 12 and Dan's Becker 6'8" surfboard. It was easy to get up on and very floaty. As long as I was able to keep my kite in the air I could get up and out.

The water was so flat that I could almost touch the oil platform when I was out. I almost made a transition. I'll get it one of these days.

After the wind shut down I caught this surfer having a well deserved cigarette next to the San Gabriel River. It is very peaceful at the end of the day at Seal.

Wednesday was not a repeat. There was a little wind but with the warning I decided I didn't need to push my luck with an infection. No ER visit please. But it didn't seem to bother the surfers.

I drove back to Belmont to see what was up. No wind, but Peter was taking pictures of another
beautiful car

You can check out Peter's car photos at

Thanks Peter for sending me one of your shots...beautiful.

Can you believe how groomed the sand is. Great sand...BUT NO WIND.

At the end of the day this group of vollyballers had the right idea. It was warm, beautiful and time to play ball.
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