Party, party, party
This week has been nothing but party, party, party. With birds,
It started out with Ruth coming home from Cleveland Ohio where she and her siblings and relatives celebrated her mothers 83th Birthday. It was quite a celebration. When she got home her two girls were there to give "Mom" some love.
That party was followed by communications from Mark Stauch who was kiteboarding in LaVentana. Two pictures says it all.
The La Ventanta Blog, Mark is out kiting and he was lucky enough to get 6 out of 6 days.

Their last night Mark (right rear) and Carole front girl in white were closing down the place. Maybe you recognize Kirk from Capt. Kirk's in the middle with reversed hat. What fun!!!!!

Here is a Google aeriel shot of the kiting area of La Ventana. Winds were over 20 MPH most days.

Next Klaus took delivery of his new Bandit Dos 10 meter kite he bought for La Ventana.

He was surprised about a few things. First he thought it was going to be smaller. Next the struts took 12 PSI and the leading edge needed 10 PSI minimum. Pump, pump, pump.

Naturally Klaus couldn't wait to get it up.....I had to.

With no wind I got his new rig off the ground for a couple of passes. Yeah it flies, NOW put it away and let's have a beer.

The sun was going down but I had to leave. This is as good as it got.

The next party was the next night when some out of town friends join us for dinner at Fucket Thai on 2nd. What a dinner, what a deal, what fun.

And the sunset was spectacular at Belmont....of course.
The next day, today, Monday, was Klaus's Birthday. He turned 48 and there were kiters and bikers who helped him through the tough time. My little brother Klaus loves to eat, but you may know that.
It was time to loose some weight at one of the best all you can eat restaurants in this area, TODAI.
We love it and take every opportunity to eat there.

For the evening all the guys were bikers. We all had Harley Davidson stuff on. Klaus had his new shirt from Pennsylvania that Ruth got him.

Klaus scored, with a new t-shirt, a bouquet of roses and a homemade candle from Ruth.

The food was so good we rolled ourselves out of the place,. You never want to stop talking and eating, but Klaus had to get up at 5 o'clock so he needed to get home.
What a night, what a week, now I need to go on a diet.

For the evening all the guys were bikers. We all had Harley Davidson stuff on. Klaus had his new shirt from Pennsylvania that Ruth got him.

Klaus scored, with a new t-shirt, a bouquet of roses and a homemade candle from Ruth.

The food was so good we rolled ourselves out of the place,. You never want to stop talking and eating, but Klaus had to get up at 5 o'clock so he needed to get home.
What a night, what a week, now I need to go on a diet.
Enjoyed the website so much. We love reading the posts and checking out all the neat pics. Great meeting you at Klaus's party. Hope to see you again.
Paul and Maryanne
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