Sunday, more races, a boat ride and beach time.
Sunday April 19, more car races, a boat ride, a little drinking and some beach time.

Here we are at a little after 11 A.M. ready to ride up to Shoreline Village to Steve's boat.

I believe Steve said his boat is 35 feet long, has twin 450 c.i. engines and a flying bridge. Great for trips to Catalina to fish and scuba diving. If you double click on the picture you get a better idea of of the boats size.

L-R, Steve Nichols, Ruth and Lenni Curl. As you can see the drinking light is lit. We started with champagne and moved onto wine later.

We cruised around White Island. Here a number of boats drop their anchors for free mooring spots. Thank you Long Beach.

What's very cool about White Island is it has a waterfall and at night there are lights all around the island. It looks great day or night.

Here "Captain Steve" and his side-kick hoist our glasses as we head back to port.

What a great view of Long Beach's skyline from the bay. What a picture perfect day.

As we headed for home you couldn't help but see the Tecate beer cans flying in the sky. How do they keep them up there?????

The winner was Dario Franchitti. He's shown driving down Shoreline Drive. Photo: Russell Conroy

After Steve docked the boat and it was put away for the day, we jumped on our bikes and headed back to Belmont.

The closer I got to the beach the more anxious I got. There were a number of kites on the water.

I got there just in time to snap a shot of Klaus on the water. It didn't take long for the wind to shut off.

When the wind did shut off Steve Lee had to do a self rescue.....there's more.

After Steve dropped his kite on the sand he asked if someone knew the telephone number for the Lifeguards. Steve got the first sting ray bite of our group. Then, like magic, the guard truck pulled up and swept him away. To get a close-up of Steve's toe double click on the picture.

Off Steve goes...first stop, hot water for at least an hour. This gave us plenty of time to drink a few of Klaus's beers with gin and tonic chasers. We then preyed to the wind and surf gods no sting ray for any of us....PLEASE!!!!

When Steve got back Rijk, Klaus and I headed back to the house. For what else more beer!
Klaus surprised us with a jacket gift. Originally the jacket was for me, but Ruth said it fits her better. OK on to the kielbasi and sour kraut. MMMMM!!
Lastly, here's a shout out to Tim Howell. He celebrated his birthday this weekend. Happy B-Day Tim. You are the only one getting old in the group. Just kidding.
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