Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friday May 16. Dan takes the day off for a good reason. To christen his new kite.

On Friday afternoon Dan showed up with his new Waroo kite. Naturally he was eager to get down to the beach and rig his new kite. Who could blame him.

We piled all the stuff on the cart and headed for the beach. Let's toast to his new gear.

Out comes his new kite. I hope it's going to blow today.

In goes the good air, out goes the bad. Look at the kid go. Don't over fill it Dan.

Joe Walker helps Dan rig his 15. Joe also kites with a Best, so he should know how to help out.

It's up in the air and now let's get out on the water.

Next it was take his new board out of the bag. Let's go kiting.

The wind starts shifting. It's now blowing side-shore. Oh my gosh, this could get exciting.

Deon goes side-on. He is really cooking.

Who said foils don't float. Deon got in OK and the wind shifted again.

Now with the wind blowing in the right direction Dan gets ready to launch his new kite.

No problem getting off the beach and going starboard. He's fully powered up.
Now he's coming back on port. He's cruising. I think Dan's very comfortable with his new kite.

After a long day Deon is given a hearty toast by the crew at the camp. Foils rock!!!

There is nothing like sitting around the "campfire" and shooting the breeze after a great day of kiting and a few glasses of Two-Buck-Chuck. Thanks Joe.
As the sun sets naturally we all hope that the weekend will bring wind.


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