Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rain, rain go away, come back another day. Like next Wednesday

Dan arrived at the house and we head for the beach. I wore a heavy jacket and a cap because it was raining. But it didn't stop a number of kiter's. Kiter's are diehards I tell you.

The wind is blowing from the South/East and there were a few wave too.

Dan gets a reading of 19.7, time to move.

One kiter is already out. Let's move faster!!!

Yaris, Captain Kirks new instructor, gets on the water too.

Dan starts rigging his 16 but he was wondering if it's too big?

I don't think the kite is too big, but I do think the wind has shifted. It's now blowing straight on shore, so Dan had to body drag out to get off the beach. No sand start today.

Away he goes on a starboard tack. I think the wind has dropped from 19 to maybe 12.
At least Dan has somebody to kite with even if he's riding a big directional.
Rain or shine this biker rides his cute little dog around the ramp in a basket.
After kiting Dan practices his self launch and self land. Time well spent.
After work Klaus drove down to join us. He brought a few imported beers too.
I don't believe it, you pop open a beer and the cops show up. I don't think they had anything else to do today.

Yari is giving Robert a lesson. His student got his money's worth today because there were no distractions or bathers to get in the way. Yari is from Holland by way of Cabaretti and a lot of other exotic places that he has taught kite boarding.
Dan is practicing going hands free. Something he learned from Chad.

Really, it's time for a beer. But isn't it a little cold. We should having hot wine. Something to keep us warm.
We interrupt this program for a commercial. That's a Boeing C-17 military cargo jet. One of the largest planes and they are built right here in Long Beach. Now back to our program.
It was kind of funny seeing the lifeguards and police preparing for the "HUGE" holiday crowds. I can just see those city folks coming down to the beach to start their summer tan in this weather. Maybe next weekend.


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