Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend, Part 1, Saturday

The weird weather is still around. The morning was so boring that we washed all of our cars. But we were still bored so we walked down to the beach because we wanted to do something else.

This is how boring it was, I found myself taking pictures of a wedding party taking a potty break.
Wow, I guess they were just driving around, drinking in the limo and someone said "Hey, I've got to hit the head. Could you pull over so we can go in the city toilet?"

Back to kite boarding....well since the wind hadn't come up yet I took a shot of some lifeguards in training. A couple of them had to pull this inflatable boat for rescue practice.
When I saw the guards pulling the boat out I went over and asked them where they station this little runabout? He said in the marina. I said "This would be perfect for rescuing downed kiter's" and he said "No, that's what we have the big boats for."
The wind came up to a whopping 5 mph so Jason pumped up his new Best kite and did a little sand sliding.

In the mean time the lifeguards were conducting their swim test segment.
In the TV industry this is what they call a slow news day. OK here are our future lifeguards racing for the first buoy.

Now both Dan and Jason are practicing self launching and self landing.
Our city tax dollars hard at work. I could just hear the two policemen saying, "Did you hear the one about the......" Just fill in the blank. OK, the guard test was still going on. Yawn.
After all this excitement it was time to head home.
All we can hope for is a little wind tomorrow. But with this strange weather who knows.


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