OMG.... today was awesome!!!
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
April 9, 10, 11
One more jibe and I smashed in the water face first. That wasn't fun. I got back up and I was on a port reach and crash, back in the water again. What was going on??? Was I loosing it?? That's when I decided to head back and see who was there. Enough excitement for one day.
As I zigged and zagged back to Belmont I could see Klaus was on the water so we rode a few passes and then the good old switch clicked and it was back to the beach. Fortunately I brought a few cold ones so Klaus and I just sat on the beach and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon. Later Steve Lee and Ruth and the dogs joined us to cap off the end of a wonderful kite day. No wind today, hope there's wind tomorrow.
You can get a pretty good look a Klaus's F-One board on this shot. He said this one jumps the best of all of the boards that he's tried. He looks forward to the Kite Expo to try some new ones Dan got to the beach a little later than some of us but pushed to catch up. The cloud formations behind Dan really makes this picture pop.
Dan pulls off another port jump. It's like he's jumping over the ship... NO not really.
Gabor kited up from Seal. There was good wind out there.
Me Soo Hungry
It's hard to tell with a still photo but look on the lower left corner and see all of the dust from the sand. It was a real wind storm.
This picture, looking at walkers on the bike path, gives you a better of the winds intensity.
The wind starting blowing at about 2:30 so I grabbed my camera. On the way to the beach I saw this guy sanding a tree trunk and snapped his picture. His name is "Sunset Mike" and his business is converting tree trunks into tiki statues. Check out his website at Cool stuff. As I crossed Ocean I saw Bill's flag blowing off the pole.
If you have read down this far please remember the date Saturday April 30th for the SCKA FREE Safety Clinic...... hope there's some wind.